Beginn Seminar

20.10.2024 18:00 Uhr

Ende Seminar

25.10.2024 13:00 Uhr


Sadbhuja Dasa


CHF 1800.- early bird bis 1. Juni
CHF 2000.-

Kost & Logis

Einzelzimmer: CHF 160.-
Doppelzimmer: CHF 135.-
Mehrbettzimmer: CHF 121.-

zzgl. Kurtaxe
Änderungen vorbehalten
weitere Informationen


Zentrum der Einheit Schweibenalp
CH-3855 Brienz

• Kirtan and harimonium learning
• Hand-pan music meditation
• Vedic astrology seminar
• Systematic emotional release
• spiritual experiences with healing methods

Sadbhuja is offering workshops, lectures and seminars and leading retreats at festivals, universities, temples and yoga retreat centers in Europe as well as in India, South East Asia, Australia and Japan...all over the world. In addition, he is a unique kirtan leader.
Currently, together with his wife Kore Zeng, and another chinese healer Xiao Xiao, they are doing healing events, trainings and festivals in china.

Sadbhuja Dasa

Sadbhuja has been practicing Bhakti Yoga in the tradition of Bramha Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya for more than 20 years, and he practiced as a vedic monk for 15 years.Sadbhuja was a temple president in Leipzig Germany for seven years, and during that time he published two books about Bhakti yoga and Traveling adventures. He has studied the Vedic scriptures, given courses on ancient philosophies, worked as a supervising teacher for personal and group development, and combined his Vedic knowledge with shamanic healing, and other healing modalities for example “the work”, family constellation. He is also a very experienced astrologer, with over three thousand personal cases experiences and hundreds of astrology teaching workshops. In addition, he is a unique kirtan leader.

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