Temple of Unity and Universal Spirituality
Temple of Unity Schweibenalp – a place of pilgrimage
The different wisdom traditions have a common place of silence and power with us, the Temple of Unity. Everyone is welcome here with their own religious and spiritual practice. The Temple of Unity, the Kutir (Babaji’s room) and the Dhuni (fire tent) are accessible to everyone at all times and have been places of devotion, ritual and meditation since the beginning of the centre in 1982. They are also available for small spiritually oriented seminars and celebrations. In the 40 years of daily care and practice, the temple and the whole surrounding area has become a tangible place of power and is visited by many people as a place of pilgrimage, for clarification and strengthening and to get in touch with the universal source.
All the rituals and meditations here at this place are integrated into the “Universal Spirituality” and the knowledge of the “Unity of All Paths”. The cultural, religious and linguistic differences do not want to be understood as separation.
In addition to the temple, there are many other natural and man-made places of power on Schweibenalp that invite you to linger and meditate. You can find them in the “meditative guide to places of power”.
Our temple offers you a rich programme for inner work and celebration.
Temple programme / seminars
see dates in the calendar of events
Activities in the Temple of Unity
Every morning at 7.00 am and every evening at 7.15 pm simple Vedic rituals of healing, transformation and purification take place in the Temple of Unity.
In the morning, a puja (light ritual) takes place from 7.00 am – 7.25 am followed by silent meditation 7.25 am – 8.00 am In the evening, Aarati, elements and lights ceremony followed by mantra chanting from 7.15 pm – approx. 8.30 pm. If you only want to come for the beginning ritual you are also welcome!
You can also come for an Aarti, a Havan (fire ceremony) or a retreat at the Schweibenalp Temple. Please announce your coming at the reception (info@schweibenalp.ch, +41 (0) 33 952 2000). We look forward to your visit!
As a guest, you are welcome to use the temple for your own spiritual practice or to celebrate rituals of your tradition.
The temple attendants will be happy to give you an introduction to meditation, help you learn the rituals or answer any questions you may have. If you are interested, there is also the possibility to receive yoga lessons.
Navaratri – Celebrate the Goddess in you
Celebrating the feminine principle!
Navaratri means “Nine Nights” and is the festival in which different forms of the Goddess “Durga” are worshipped for nine nights.
Navaratri is celebrated once in spring and again in autumn. In one year, the beginning of summer and the beginning of winter are two very important transitions of climatic conditions under solar influences.
Corresponding to the changes in nature, the human body and mind also undergo considerable changes during this period.
This is used as an occasion to worship the divine being. The autumn festivities are among the most important Hindu festivals of all and thus the female principle is worshipped for nine days, not only in India but all over the world.
Shakti, the energetic elemental force and Mother Nature, who gives unconditionally without demanding anything in return. The festival has a very deep spiritual meaning and stands for our own path to the light. We cross the darkness and thus transform our negative qualities of the mind, qualities that prevent us from living our full potential. The 10th day is called Vijaya Dashami and is the day of victory. Victory of light over darkness and symbolises the state of samadhi (superconsciousness). On this day, thanks to all our sadhana (spiritual practice), we can face our everyday life with new energy.
We celebrate the Goddess in each of us at Schweibenalp with daily havans (fire rituals) (at 7 am) and pujas (flower ceremonies) in the Unity Temple. The first three days we honour the aspect of Kali (destruction and renewal), the other three days Lakshmi (abundance, happiness and prosperity) and the last three days Saraswati (wisdom, arts, transcendence). Come and dive with us into a spiritual force field of the Goddess.
You will find the respective dates in our calendar of events.
Havan, Fire Ceremony
Fire ceremonies exist in all traditions, we all relate to fire, this element of transformation. Fire is creation and purification. Fire ceremonies are powerful and effective. A direct contact to the source is established. We can give the fire an intention and ask for realisation.
Just as fire stands for transformation and the soul, water stands for the emotional body, air for the intellect and earth – for the body itself and KarmaYoga, selfless work.
We offer flowers, fruits, crops etc. to the divine in the form of fire as a small token of gratitude for all that we receive in life.
In fire we also address the fire of life and the fire of the soul, knowing that all life is fire and light.
Vedic fire ceremonies (Havan) take place regularly at our sacred fireplace (Dhuni). Usually at every new and full moon, as well as on the festival and celebration days of the various traditions. In addition, on request, a fire ceremony can be performed for you, your seminar group or relatives and friends. According to the spiritual principle of reciprocity, it is good to give a voluntary donation for the blessing we receive, something that is hardly felt in our world of price and demand.
Check directly with our temple servant (Pujarini) by email when the next fire ceremony will take place and experience the power of the transformation of the sacred fire up here with us on Schweibenalp: tempel@schweibenalp.ch
If you wish, a fire ceremony can also be organized for you, your seminar group or relatives and friends.
Costs: CHF 208 for material costs (firewood, flowers and offerings) plus an appropriate donation for the Pujari’s service for 5 hours of work (preparation/ceremony/follow-up)
Several yoga teachers live here in our community. Depending on the season and the event, yoga classes of various styles take place.
Spiritual healing work – Body, Mind and Soul
Individual offers on Schweibenalp >>
Celebrations in the cycle of life: baptisms, blessings, weddings, funerals
On request we have been creating blessings with universal, Christian or Vedic elements for many years.
Costs for wedding rituals: from CHF 500.- (depending on expenditure) plus material costs
Dana – Donations and sponsorships for the Temple of Unity
Our Temple of Unity is a gift from the universe. This also gives it its power. It is a place of freedom and peace. Its care and preservation is placed at our heart. For its maintenance and upkeep we need the cooperation and generosity of many. In giving, we create space for receiving, so that we can be gifted anew by the universe. This can be in the form of cooperation or donations.
Space of transience
Thoughts and background information on the “Space of Transience”, on the development of consciousness and heart, on living and dying and on the origin of the power places on the Schweibenalp by Sundar Robert Dreyfus.
There are numerous natural and created places of power on Schweibenalp. As the last of these places, we were able to complete the “Room of Transience”.
This room is available to all interested people. It is located below ground on the slope to the left of the dining room. It is surrounded by large beech trees. The simple room is dedicated to meditation and contemplation on transience and contact with the ancestors and the other world. In our ritual, everyone present briefly went into the room to feel the energy and to connect. Afterwards we exchanged ideas about our previous relationship to death, ancestors and transience.
Isn’t “living as long and as well as possible, even at the expense of the earth and future generations” the main unreflective motive of today’s “humanistic religion” of the ego, of those who seem to be able to afford it?
>>Here you can read the whole text about the space of transience >>
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