About us – Green Phoenix Association
The platform GREEN PHOENIX emerges as a support of networking ideas, strategies and projects/models and their implementation.
Organisations and networks in cooperation with GREEN PHOENIX
- Global Ecovillage Network GEN Europe and its communities
- Globaler Campus, Tamera, Portugal
- Interkulturelle Friedensstiftung, Germany
- GAIA Education, United Kingdom
Green Phoenix Association Board
- Leila Dregger, Freelance Journalist and Author, Heilungsbiotop Tamera
- Sundar Robert Dreyfus, Psychotherapist, visionary and founder of Center of Unity Schweibenalp, Co-Founder GREEN PHOENIX
- Benjamin von Mendelssohn, Co-Founder Peace Research Village Middle East, Global Campus and Grace Foundation, Heilungsbiotop Tamera
- Christine Muigg, Shaman and Healer, Founder of To-Om-Ra and Jacobus Hospital in Guatemala
- Macaco Tamerice, Musician and Researcher, involved in the construction of the Damanhur Federation for 20 years, Italy
Green Phoenix Strategy Group
- Charly Rainer Ehrenpreis, Physicist, New Economy, Co-Founder Heilungsbiotop Tamera
- Daniel Muigg, Eticus Consulting, Management Consultant with global responsibility
- Corina Simon, International Peaceworker
- Marco Steiger, Management for a new age
- Gerhard Paul, Heilhaus Kassel
- Rosalie Poskin, GEN Europe Board, Community Los Portales
Bylaws of the Green Phoenix Association
We give thanks for the generous support by the following organisation:
- Interkulturelle Friedensstiftung
- Charles & Trudy Dreyfus Stiftung
- Heilhaus Kassel
- Zentrum der Einheit Schweibenalp