UNIPEACE – Universal Peace Celebration 2019
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Unipeace, Unity and Peace celebrations and what will happen next?

Schweibenalp is a pioneer in interreligious peace work. From 1982 to 1996, major interreligious peace and unity celebrations took place every year. This event also came to an end in connection with the spread of interreligious worship services.

In 2004 the event revived when Elke and Felix Woschek created Unipeace. This event, this spirit has been burning for 16 years now. This year’s Unipeace was again a conclusion in its previous form.

In addition to the participation of musicians, teachers and activists from many continents, inspired by Lama Irene Frei, we have this year created a “Youth Forum” with young digital natives with a spiritual background and are now in the process of preparing a follow-up event with a team, which will involve young people and their needs.

Impressions of Unipeace 2019
From AMADEO… Please read HERE
And SUNDAR… Please read HERE