Beginn Seminar

23.05.2025 18:00 Uhr

Ende Seminar

28.05.2025 17:30 Uhr


Punnu Singh Wasu

Prasadini Mayer

Kost & Logis

Einzelzimmer: CHF 160.-
Doppelzimmer: CHF 135.-
Mehrbettzimmer: CHF 121.-

zzgl. Kurtaxe
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Zentrum der Einheit Schweibenalp
CH-3855 Brienz

Are you a Kirtan lover and passionate about singing and chanting from the heart? Would you love to share this ancient & modern spiritual practice with the world?

This is a unique and transformational opportunity to study traditional and contemporary styles of playing and singing devotional mantras. Learn to express yourself through music referencing both Indian classical music and contemporary (Western) music, taught by Kirtan master Punnu Wasu and Kirtan singer Prasadini.

Punnu and Prasadini bring a playful and empowering teaching style to this heart, soul, and voice-activating intensive training. Their profound knowledge and vast experience in Kirtan and Bhakti Yoga, combined with their music background and devoted approach to teaching, provide an incredibly inspirational musical experience.

This training is accessible to beginners with no previous musical training, people with intermediate experience and Kirtan leaders who want to refine their skills.

Punnu teaches in English and Prasadini in German and English. Further German translations/explanations available from the assistant upon request.

Homepage organiser with more information
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Punnu Singh Wasu

Punnu is an Indian vocalist, musician, songwriter and multi instrumentalist - born and raised in India into a family that has a true love for kirtan and spirituality. From an early age he was interested in learning and practising yoga, meditations, kirtan and different holistic healing modalities. He has studied with different masters in ashrams and meditation schools across India and beyond. Punnu shares his vast knowledge and rich experience of more than 35 years in yoga & meditation and over 45 years in kirtan in his classes, workshops, retreats and trainings around the world. More information at

Prasadini Mayer

Prasadini Krissi ist seit 7 Jahren Pujarini im Tempel der Einheit auf der Schweibenalp und reist seit 15 Jahren jedes Jahr nach Indien, um sich dem Yoga-Studium und der Meditation zu widmen. Dabei hat sie von verschiedenen Lehrern das Ausführen von Pujas erlernt.

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