
Support us and sponsor our projects!

Adopt a tree

Over the last years 250 fruit trees, berry- and wildfruit bushes were planted in our permaculture landscape. We are particularly proud of old varieties like the Hanslipear, Opal Plum, and Apple Swiss Junker.  All of which are on the list of rapidly disappearing varieties.

We freely invite you to adopt a new fruit tree or berry- , wild fruit bush, to plant on our alp.

For 100.- CHF you can become a godmother/father of a fruit tree or for 50.- CHF adopt a berry-, or wild fruit bush, “as long as supply lasts”.

Your help:

  • finances our permaculture
  • supports biodiversity through the maintenance of varieties threatened by extinction
  • indebts future generations who will be thankful for your stewardship

It is also possible to support us with any financial donation you would like to offer.

Contact: [email protected]

We thank you deeply from our hearts!

Your Alpine Permaculture Team.