Beginn Seminar

16.05.2025 16:00 Uhr

Ende Seminar

18.05.2025 13:00 Uhr


Punnu Singh Wasu

Stefan Geisse


CHF 379.-

Kost & Logis

Einzelzimmer: CHF 160.-
Doppelzimmer: CHF 135.-
Mehrbettzimmer: CHF 121.-

zzgl. Kurtaxe
Änderungen vorbehalten
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Zentrum der Einheit Schweibenalp
CH-3855 Brienz

A Meditation, Yoga & Kirtan Experience

May 16 - 18, 2025 at Schweibenalp, Brienz

Join Punnu Wasu and Stefan Geisse for a transformative weekend retreat in the stunning mountains of Schweibenalp, where the serene natural beauty meets ancient practices of healing and self-discovery. This retreat offers a unique blend of meditation, yoga, and kirtan to nurture your body, mind, and soul.

Reconnect with yourself through practices that inspire presence, cultivate inner peace, and awaken joy. This immersive experience is an opportunity to reset, recharge, and rediscover the essence of who you truly are.

Dive Into Ancient Practices

Throughout the retreat, you'll dive deep into ancient Indian holistic practices, exploring the art of presence and the power of moment-to-moment awareness. Each session is designed to help you direct your life force into practices that align with and energize your being.


Cultivate clarity, awareness, and stillness with powerful techniques.

Experience practices for grounding, releasing, heart opening, and self-love.

Feel the blissful connection of singing mantras in a sacred space.

Sound Healing
Let transformative sound sessions soothe and energize you.

Daily Schedule


16:00 Introduction, Meditation & Getting to Know Each Other
18:00 Dinner
19:15 Aarti - Vedic Rituals for Healing & Transformation
20:30 Meditation & Mantra Chanting with Punnu


07:00 Puja (Light Ritual)
07:25 Silent Meditation
08:00 Breakfast
09:15 Yoga: Pranayama and Mindfulness with Stefan
10:45 Active Consciousness Meditation with Punnu
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Mantra Chant with Punnu
16:30 Yoga: Letting go with Stefan
18:00 Dinner
19:15 Aarti - Vedic Rituals for Healing & Transformation
20:30 Blissful Sound Healing with Punnu


07:00 Yoga: Heart Opening & Self-Love with Stefan
08:15 Breakfast
09:45 Chakra Dhyana Meditation with Punnu
11:30 Closing Session with Stefan and Punnu
13:00 Lunch

Schedule is subject to change based on the group’s energy. Stefan and Punnu will adapt to make the experience even more enriching.

Retreat Fees
CHF 379

Accommodation & Meals
Vegetarian full board (with vegan options) available at Schweibenalp. Please contact

Accommodation, food and travel expenses are not included in the retreat fees.

What To Bring
Comfortable clothing, a notebook & pen, and a reusable water bottle. It's a good idea to bring layered clothing for your comfort, as Schweibenalp is situated at 1'100 meters above sea level.

Stefan teaches in German and Punnu in English, short German or English translation available upon request.

Active Consciousness Meditation
This meditation is an ancient and powerful method for chakra purification. Combining rhythmic, controlled breathing with focused meditation on the seven primary chakras, it purifies the energy pathways by releasing concealed emotions, obstructions, and old hurts. At the same time, it activates the chakras, helping to balance and align your energy. This deeply transformative practice is known for its profound impact on physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The culmination of these efforts elevates one's state of consciousness, fostering a profound sense of unity, clarity, and completeness.

Engage, Rest, Recharge: Your Journey, Your Choice
While a variety of enriching yoga, meditation, kirtan sessions, and other heart-opening practices are available, every class is optional. We warmly invite you to honor your own rhythm - whether that means fully engaging or taking some restful free time.

Private Holistic Healing Sessions
Stefan offers Stress Coaching, Inner Child Work, and Ayurveda Consultations, while Punnu provides a variety of private holistic healing sessions. If you're interested in booking a private session with either of them, you can find further details at the links provided and book your session directly during the retreat.

Questions About The Retreat
For questions, please reach out to Stefan at or Punnu at

All participants are responsible for their own insurance, including health and travel coverage. Teachers and assistants are not liable for any damages, loss of property, or personal injuries.

Everyone is welcome – let this weekend be your journey to renewal, clarity, and connection!

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Punnu Singh Wasu

Punnu is an Indian vocalist, musician, songwriter and multi instrumentalist - born and raised in India into a family that has a true love for kirtan and spirituality. From an early age he was interested in learning and practising yoga, meditations, kirtan and different holistic healing modalities. He has studied with different masters in ashrams and meditation schools across India and beyond. Punnu shares his vast knowledge and rich experience of more than 35 years in yoga & meditation and over 45 years in kirtan in his classes, workshops, retreats and trainings around the world. More information at

Stefan Geisse

Stefan Geisse hat nach intensiven Jahren als Manager in internationalen Unternehmen und einer lebensbedrohlichen Gehirnblutung sein Leben neu ausgerichtet. Seit zehn Jahren leitet er Seminare, Retreats und gibt Vorträge rund um die Themen Achtsamkeit, Stressbewältigung, Selbstliebe und Selbstfindung. Stefan unterrichtet Yoga in der Tradition von TKV Desikachar und AG Mohan, den letzten langjährigen Schülern von Sri T. Krishnamacharya («Lehrer der Lehrer»). Stefan Geisse is an Ayurvedic health and nutrition consultant, passionate yoga and meditation teacher, it is close to his heart to meet people as unique individuals and to support them on their way to a healthy, meaningful and successful life. As a business graduate and MBA with more than 15 years of management experience in large international corporations, he is familiar with today's challenges and understand the needs and desires for clarity, balance and freedom in life. See more about Stefan here:

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